X men origins wolverine ps3 review
X men origins wolverine ps3 review

So, yes, you will get to fight Victor/Sabretooth, The Blob, Agent Zero, and the final villain in the film in a similar over-the-top style as the summer hit. You play the title character on a plot that loosely follows the bare-bones structure of the film with a few other details thrown in. The structure of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” is (too) simple. The problems with this intermittently amusing game start for those of us past puberty and not easily amused by slow-motion disemboweling in 720p. Honestly, if I was thirteen again and still buying “X-Men” comics every week and wishing Logan would unleash his berserker rage a little more violently, this game would totally deliver the goods. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” is all about violent, bloody, decapitating destruction. It’s one of the most extremely violent titles of the year, one that wouldn’t even get an R based on the MPAA system.

#X men origins wolverine ps3 review movie

The game based on the relatively tame movie is anything but. One of the most interesting things about the game tie-in for the Gavin Hood - Hugh Jackman film is the complete non-compliance with the film’s PG-13 rating. Judged on the scale of movie tie-in games, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” has to be considered a success, but that’s simply due to the fact that we’ve become so accustomed to summer films coming with poorly developed tie-ins and “Wolverine” is not a complete disaster.

x men origins wolverine ps3 review

The hint is never quite fulfilled, as “Wolverine” becomes as repetitive and frustrating as the blockbuster film that inspired it.

x men origins wolverine ps3 review

CHICAGO – The first hour of “ X-Men Origins: Wolverine” is a total blast, a great blend of above-average graphics, interesting story elements, and clever fighting moves that hint at an enjoyable gaming experience to come.

X men origins wolverine ps3 review